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Startup Grind XA 2017年6月 | 对话硅谷创投教父史蒂夫·霍夫曼...
来自 : www.huodongxing.com/go/startup 发布时间:2021-03-24

Startup Grind 西安首期访谈将于6月3日举行,本期我们邀请美国“硅谷创业教父”、天使投资人、同时也是硅谷排名前十的孵化器Foundes Space创始人史蒂文•霍夫曼Steven Hoffman做客Startup Grind西安,与大家分享创业成功的秘诀以及如何化解创业路上的各种困境。

The first session of Startup Grind will be held on June 3.This time,we are hornored to have Stevenn Hoffman ,the U.S. Silicon Valley entrepreneurial godfather,the angel investor,the founder of the well-known Silicon Valley incubator Space here in Tencent Makerspace Xi an to share with us the secret of successful entrepreneurship and how to resolve the various difficulties on the road of start-up.

活动信息 | Information



内容:硅谷创业教父Steven Hoffman分享创业秘诀



TIME: June 3, 2017 (Saturday)

ADDRESS: Tencent Makerspace (4th floor ,No.69 South Second Ring western Road Xi an Innovation Design Center Beilin District)

TOPIC: The Secret of Entrepreneurship shared by Steven Hoffman, Silicon Valley Start-up Godfather

LANGUAGE: English for interview, Chinese English for networking

关于 Startup Grind | About Startup Grind

Startup Grind是一个全球性的科技创业社区,致力于帮助企业家们相互学习、相互启发和资源交换。我们已经在超过100个城市,42个国家成功地举办了活动,每个月我们都会邀请到当地具有影响力的企业创始人、创新者、教育者和投资人来参加我们的活动,和大家分享他们的个人故事以及他们在创建公司的道路上所得到的经验和教训。

我们每月的炉边访谈、社交活动和年度会议都为大家提供了充足的机会,将那些优秀的初创公司和推动这些公司发展的人们联系在一 起,开拓强大的支持网络,建成有意义的关系网和获得未来创业之路的灵感。

经过我们的不懈努力,如今Startup Grind终于落地西安,期望在未来古城的创新发展之路上,Startup Grind Xi an能够与各位创业者一路随行。


Startup Grind is a Global Technology Entrepreneurial Community dedicated to helping entrepreneurs learn from each other, inspire and exchange resources. We have successfully held events in more than 100 cities and 42 countries. Every month, we will invite local founders, innovators, educators and investors to participate in our activities and share their personal stories,experiences and lessons gained on the way they create the company with you.

With the monthly fireside interviews, social events and annual conferences,numbers of excellent start-ups and those who promote the development of these companies are gathered and thus a strong network of support as well as the meaningful relations network are developed ,through which the future of the start-ups is inspired,too.

Finally,through the restless efforts, Startup Grind landed in Xi an at present. Startup Grind is looking forward to play a part along with every entrepreneurs in the road of innovation development of this ancient city all the way.

关于嘉宾 | About Speaker

史蒂夫·霍夫曼(Steven Hoffman),人们也称他“霍夫船长”,美国硅谷重量级创业教父、天使投资人、知名孵化器Founder Space创始人,也是全球畅销的“创业圣经“——《让大象飞》的作者。


他所创立的Founder Space,是《公司》和《福布斯》杂志评选出来排名前十的孵化器,已投资硅谷及各地数百家初创企业,并帮助进行了商务规划、融资和国际拓展,这些企业包括wise.io、Airpai、Meetinghero、BOXC、RedClay等。

由他编写的《让大象飞》,因其“从创业团队的人员配备到创业融资的成败再到团队的高效管理,从创业者的心理素质到创业者的独到眼光再到企业赖以生存的根本,360度无死角地呈现了一家公司从初创到惊艳到立足再到稳定的全过程,而被读者称为是“为中国创业者量身定做的创业指南“,并获得谷歌前副总裁、风险投资人 马修·斯特普卡等多位创投圈大咖鼎力推荐。



在这同时,霍夫曼也是制片人协会硅谷分会的创始人和会长(Producers Guild Silicon Valley Chapter)、新媒体协会理事会董事(New Media Council)、以及电视互动媒体集团学会的创办会员(Academy of Television’s Interactive Media Group)。

在硅谷创办了3家风投基金初创企业之后,霍夫曼启动创办了Founders Space,其使命是教育及加速培训企业家及企业内部创业高管。Founders Space已经成为了全世界最领先的初创加速器之一,并在22个国家有超过50多个合作伙伴。霍夫曼已对数以百计的初创企业创始人及大企业高管进行了硅谷创新艺术的培训,并不断与全球最大的跨国企业及风险基金合作。他也是一名奥格斯特资本(August Capital)的有限合伙人。

霍夫曼在加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校(UC Santa Barbara)获得了计算机工程的学士学位,然后又在南加利福尼亚大学(USC)获得了电影电视制作的硕士学位。他现居住于旧金山,但花费大多数时间飞往全世界各地去拜访初创企业、投资人以及创新者。



Steven Hoffman , also known as Captain Hoff, is the heavyweight entrepreneurial godfather in Silicon Valley in the U.S.,an angel investor,the founder of the well-known incubator Space founder, is also the the author of the world’s best-selling entrepreneurial Bible --Making Elephant Fly .

Founders space ,named as one of the top ten incubators by Company and Forbes magazine , has invested hundreds of start-ups including wise.io、Airpai、Meetinghero、BOXC、RedClay.etc both inside and outside Silicon Valley and helped them to conduct business planning, financing and international expansion .

The book Making Elephants Fly compiled by him , is regarded as a tailor-made guide for entrepreneurs in China and was highly recommended by Matthew Sturka,the pre-Google Vice president, venture capitalist and many other big shots in innovation venture circle,because “it presents the whole process of how a start-up stand firm from 0 to the stunning to the foothold with a clear clarification from all the respects including the start-up team staffing, up and downs in the road of entrepreneurship,team s efficient management,together with the entrepreneur s psychological quality and unique insight,and the essential key factor of a enterprise’s survival as well”.

As a senior entrepreneur, a top investor, Captain Hoff always innovates on his life. Captain Hough has engaged in more professions than cat has lives, including: continuous entrepreneur, venture capitalist, angel investor, mobile studio head, computer engineer, filmmaker, Hollywood TV exec, published writer, coder, game designer, manga re-writer, animator and voice actor. These experiences enriched his life span and reshaped his unique insight as a future entrepreneur .

Meanwhile, Hoffman is also the founder and president of Producers Guild Silicon Valley Chapter, the diretor of New Media Council, and the founding member of Academy of Television’s Interactive Media Group.

After having founded three venture capital start-ups in Silicon Valley, Hoffman launched Founders Space, whose mission is to educate and accelerate the training of entrepreneurs and corporate executives. Founders Space has become one of the world s leading pioneer accelerators and has more than 50 partners in 22 countries. What’s more,Hoffman has trained hundreds of start-ups and executives in Silicon Valley Innovative Art project, and has been working with the world s largest multinational firms and VC funds. He is also a limited partner of August Capital.

Hoffman received a bachelor s degree in computer engineering from the University of California,UC Santa Barbara, and then received a master s degree in film and television from the University of Southern California (USC). He now lives in San Francisco, but spend most of his time traveling around the world to visit start-ups, investors and innovators.

Having spent 40% of his time annually in China in recent year,he has set up a Chinese office in Shanghai. Besides,with the Silicon Valley s experience,he plans to set up 5 to 6 incubators in China,and help Chinese entrepreneurs embark on a path which is more suitable for their enterprises.

活动流程 | Agenda

18:30-19:00 签到 茶歇 | Sign-in, Welcome Drink Mingle

19:00 -19:40 炉边访谈 | Fireside Chat

19:40 -20:00 问答 | Q A

20:00 -21:00 自由讨论 社交环节 | Drinks, Food Networking

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活动组织方:Startup Grind


媒体合作伙伴:腾讯大秦网·创业频道 网易陕西 ARinChina


特别合作伙伴:Uber西安 Redfort红堡印度餐厅瑜伽酒吧

本文链接: http://washoffmann.immuno-online.com/view-681382.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)
QQ :1570468124